Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Get Some Beauty Sleep,,


Hello dearie how are you? I'm sorry I didn't get a post up on Monday I had it started but got distracted by YouTube videos as we all do (so addictive) so I'm going to write it now hope you enjoy.

Over the last year iv been having real trouble sleeping i could never figure out why i was always tossing and turning and getting up at like two in the morning because i was bored trying to sleep but thanks to the internet and lots of trials and errors i finally found what works for me and I hope it will work for you too.

Cool It Down 

Nobody likes a stuffy room and half the time you wake up with a sore throat so try keep your room cool not freezing were your shaking under the covers unless of course you have a sexy other half to snuggle up to then its worth it.

Same as Always

This was the hardest thing for me to change was to give myself a bed time i no i felt like a child again but it helps if you go to bed at roughly the same time every night you start a pattern and your body gets so used to it by your “bed time” your just about ready to hit the deck. People also say to get up at the same time every morning but Damn girl i love my lie ins on the weekend way to much to give that up.

Keep It Down 

So obviously one of the main culprits in no sleep is noise I live right beside a main road and my room is at the front of the house and a pub is three doors down from me but that is not what keeps me awake what keeps me awake is snoring OMG he snores like a jack hammer and he likes to snuggle and no i am not talking about my boyfriend I'm talking about my dog and yes iv tried stopping him sleeping in my room but im a dog person and i do feel so bad for him so iv invested in earplugs and honey they work.

 Lavender Baby

As you may already know lavender is a very relaxing scent and can send anyone to sleep as it helps relax your body, I personally have a lavender scented teddy bear that you can heat up in the microwave (perfect for time of the month) i just leave him on my locker beside my bed and the scent lingers in the room, But if u don't have a teddy like mine you could use a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow and that should help.

Tea? Anyone?

Herbal teas like camomile or peppermint are great for relaxing i no the don't taste as good as a normal cuppa or a hot chocolate but they are so much better to help you sleep trust me.

 Scrub A Dub Dub

Hot Baths are great before bed as they relax your muscles allowing you to drift off into a great nights sleep if your like me and unfortunately don't have a bath a shower will work just as well just try not to wet your hair as having to dry it may trick your mind into thinking its morning,

Bye Bye Phone

That's right switch off your phone, Why? because the lights on your phone, laptop iPad etc. Trick your eyes into thinking its still bright out which leads to your body not winding down for you to sleep, 2nd of all if your phone is on and beside your bed you are more inclined to sit up and flick through Facebook or twitter and even if you have put it down and are dosing off and it beeps you have to check it and don't say you don't we all do it.

Lights out

The best way to achieve a good nights sleep is to make your room as dark as possible or wear a silk eye mask this will help keep you in a deep sleep instead of a light restless sleep.

Nighty Night

Sweet Dreams xX



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