Tuesday, 11 March 2014

I GOT NOMINATED!!!!! (Liebster Award)


Hey makeup Junkies, i no its been sooooo long since i blogged but go easy on me iv been running around like a headless chicken all week, ok so as you can probably guess i got nominated for the liebster award *girly screams* thanks to the amazing Daniella from Real, Not Ideal. im super excited so lets get cracking


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.

2. Answer the 11 questions given to you.

3. Nominate 11 other followers with less than 500 followers.

4. Post 11 questions for the nominees to answer.

5. Tag your nominees and post a comment on their blog to let them know you nominated them


1. If you had three magical genie wishes, what would they be?

hmmm this is a hard one well the first one would be that my family and friends would be happy and comfortable, the second one would be to stop animal cruelty and last but not least to free the genie i dont think id like to be stuck in a lamp for hundreds and thousands of years get pretty stuffy. 

2. What is the last thing that took your breath away?

the first time me and my boyfriend kissed and no before you say awwww it wasn't the kiss it was the fact he jumped out from behind a crate and pinned me to the ground in the stock room and scared the absolute sh*t outa me i screamed like a girl (in my defence it was dark to) he's such a romantic *note sarcasm*

3. What does your perfect day consist of?

My Dog, Country Music and Chocolate   

4. What is the biggest decision you made on impulse?

I don't make big decisions mainly because im brutal at making decisions like really really bad at it i find it difficult what to have for dinner, id be useless at planning a wedding ( cream or white? they both look the bleeding same to me)

5. What is the last thing you read that changed your view on something?

The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique. Walt Disney.

That little quote i heard years ago made me believe in me, made me understand being different is not a bad thing, you can have so many views on others, the only point of view you should care about is the view you have on yourself. Look at me im a dyslexic with her own blog…

6. What takes up more time than you can afford?

Cleaning…that's all i seem to do is clean and i HATE IT! hate hate hate hate hate hate hate it ok mini rant over,

7. What is the best formal event you have ever been to?

my friends debs/prom a few of us got really bored and decided to go on an adventure got lost ended up on the roof of the hotel ( imagine me in a blue Cinderella dress) and it was one of the best nights of my like.

8. What is the most embarrassing music/artist/album you listen to? MY MUSIC IS AMAZING!!!! even the Disney songs….

9. Describe the last time you were caught doing something embarrassing? iv done a lot of embarrassing things in my life i cant really remember when i done them and couldn't pick the worst iv ever done most people can say they were drunk but in alcohols defence i do dumb sh*t sober to,

10. What ticks you off?

Animal cruelty, that just boils my blood to the point i do be ready to kill them poor animals cant defend themselves cant speak up about what they are going through and when the assholes get caught most of them can just walk away from it because its not as serious as hitting another person??? that other person probably deserved it anyway…ok calm down Dani

11. What makes you the most emotional?

read above, and if the dog dies in a movie you can kill off the man you can kill off the woman JUST NOT THE DOG ;(


ok so here are my nominees ( oh i feel like im at the Oscars) 

Tanya VelvetVogue

Jessica A Beautiful Secret

Grace graceyblossom

Zoe Zoe Amalie


Lauren keepcalmitsonlyablog 

Taylor justtaylorx

KiKi beautyselffish

Rebecca  lolita-lucia

Kristine everydayismagic



Ok so im going to cheat a little and ask my nominees to tell me 11 facts about themselves the crazier the better im dying to see what you guys tell me…

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